Definition of "ubiety"
countable and uncountable, plural ubieties
The state of existing in a specific point in space, thereness.
Ubiety is a Term used with reſpect to ſpiritual Beings, as Locality is with regard to corporeal ones, and is the very ſame Thing, viz. that Part of Space which circumſcribes the Exiſtence of Things at any given Moment of Time, and is commonly call'd their Place.
1737, Benjamin Martin, Bibliotheca Technologica: or, a philological library of literary arts and sciences
The place of a ſpirit has been often called ubiety, which may moſt properly refer to ſo much of the material world, of which it has a more evident conſciouſneſs, and on which it can act : In God the infinite Spirit, his ubiety is whereſoever there are objects for his conſiouſneſs and activity : And you may extend this to all poſſible, as well as real and actual worlds, if you pleaſe; for he knows and can do whatever can be known or can be done, and therefore he is ſaid to be every where.
1753, Isaac Watts, The Works of the Late Reverend and Learned Isaac Watts, D.D., volume 5
Physical existence, thus, is essentially spatiotemporal ubiety; and that which has or lacks ubiety, that is, is or is not present at some place in space at some time, is always some what or kind—which may be a kind of substance, or of property, or of relation, or of activity, or of change, or of state, and so on.
1956, Sidney Hook, editor, American Philosophers At Work: The Philosophic Scene in the United States