Definition of "Ist"
not comparable
The reply from one large branch of the musculo-cutaneous in the forearm is abolished, but not the reply from the other. 3rd section, replies from musculo-cutaneous in forearm abolished; from Ist and IInd palmar and dorsal digitales collaterales reduced. 4th section, replies from Ist, IInd, and IIIrd collateral digitals, both dorsal and plantar, abolished; from the IVth, Vth, and VIth dorsal collaterals obviously diminished; from the IVth palmar collateral obviously diminished.
1894, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Biological sciences, volume 184
To the right or south of these was the First Army, under General Sir Douglas Haig—the Indian Corps about Festubert, and then in order the Ist and IVth Corps—a total of nine divisions, or approximately 180,000 men, the two armies thus extending from north of Ypres to north of Arras, and mustering together some 440,000 men.
1925, H. C. Wylly, The 1st and 2nd Battalions The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) in the Great War; republished United Kingdom: Andrews UK, 2011